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Gowrie Firemen 1959 to 2019

Duane R. Anderson

Gene Bond

Paul Dallman

Chuck Decker

Max Faulkner

Sonny Forsmark

Dick Monson

John Morton

Kent Mousgard

Ben Nelson

Ray Norine

Jim Patton

Lawrence Roseke

Howard Rude

Bob Roberg

Darrell Schill

Donald Schill

Chris Soderbeck

Jim Wooters

Ole Orness

Malte Hanson

Junior Hasty

Rod Wendell

Dean Amandus

Frank Johnson

Max Palmer

Larry Loring

Jim Wolf

Jim Scheuerman

Gary Kruse

Don Borgen

Harlan Hade

Alan Wooters

Dick Dean

Dave Tjepkes

Kenny Pederson

Don Reed

Marvin Johnson

Glen DeVries

Leonard Jansa

Darrell Mishke

Carl Pemble

Pete Jorgensen

John Wendell

Greg Benson

Hal Bloomberg

Jim Peterson

Kirk Jacobson

Alan Mundt

Bob Lind

Jim Suchan

Mark Lester

Randy Nelson

Tom Schill


Wayne Mace

Mike Buske

Phil Bailey

Jerry Mohr

Mike Boeve

Tom Burkgren

Mike Sorenson

Galen Patrick

Daryl Promes

Dave Christianson

Jim Stubbs

Rob Allen

Harly Putzke

Craig Reiter

Tim Parcel

Don Wiklander

Dave Kalous

Brad Carlson

Brett Mentzer

Brad Olson

Shawn Blunk

John M. Lizer

Keith Streit

Mike Boekelman

Andy Suchan

Jason Ryan

Brett Carlson


Rod Wharehime

Chad Loseke

Trent Farnham

Will Fevold

Ryan Larson

Aaron Alliger

Matt Thompson

Rick Breeden

Glen Worrel

PD Johnson

Patrick Monaghan

Chris Simpson

Austin Promes

Ronley King

Ryan Rice

Joel Doolittle

AJ Dorsey

Joe Hofbauer

Lane Fevold

Troy Thomas

Austin Promes

Luke Stauber

Ronley King

Josh Carlson

Josh Johnson

PD Johnson

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